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Monday, 29 June 2009

How Often Do You Need to Walk a Dog?

So, how often do you need to walk a dog? The answer to that question is not really as concrete as you may think. First of all, the answer fluctuates from pet owner to pet owner, and the most responsible pet owners have some answers in regard to how often you need to walk a dog, and that answer depends upon what kind of pet/dog that you own. Below are some sites that give answers on how often to walk certain types of dogs.

In my search to find the answer, this is what I came up with, that there is no set amount of time that you should walk your dog, that it depends upon what breed of dog that you own, and that it can fluctuate. Most of us know that a small dog probably doesn't need to be walked nearly as far a distance as a larger dog. Depending upon leg length and whether the dog is a housebound or outside breed may be another factor to consider.

The sites that can give you some answers as to the length of time to walk certain breeds are located at the following URLs: and at

Thursday, 25 June 2009

How to Do Persuade Speech on Domestic Violence

If you want to know how to do a persuasive speech on domestic violence, you will need to find out, first of all, how to present a persuasive speech, which is deciding, from the beginning, that to persuade is the general purpose of your speech. Next, there are some general guidelines below to advance your knowledge of giving a persuasive speech, no matter what the topic of your speech is to persuade

but, in this case, you can be assured that the topic will be domestic violence.

1. Persuasive speeches increase listeners' knowledge of a topic.
2. They enlighten or extend an audience's awareness of a subject, which, in this case, is domestic violence.
3. The general purpose of a persuasive speech is to effect some degree of change in the audience, one that convinces listeners to accept the alternative offered by the speaker. You can direct the change that you want to be made by the audience at attitudes, beliefs, or basic values. The purpose may be to change specific behaviors or reinforce specific behaviors.
4. Next, find out what it is that you want to change about attitudes, beliefs, opinions, or behavior regarding domestic violence. Then set out to form your outline and cite your sources for the speech. Persuasive speeches are usually given with a basic outline of those changes that you would like to bring about, a citation page of where you found such information to support your position, and note cards that have the outline written upon them so that you can give the speech and glance at the note cards.

In a nutshell, you now have the basis for a good persuasive speech to write an informative outline, after you have done sufficient research upon the topic of domestic violence, and then conclude your speech by reiterating your specific points of change to bring it to an acceptable conclusion and persuade your audience to make the changes or reinforce their present behavior, whichever may be the case.

Monday, 22 June 2009

The Frey and How to Save a Life

If you have ever heard the song by the Fray called How to Save a Life, you'll want to watch this really nice music video to go along with the sounds. Before, in an article concerning this song, I published the website where you can actually obtain all the lyrics to this song and the piano sheet music for free. This time around, since the subject matter is about The Fray and How to Save a Life, I am going to go ahead and make a link for you to listen to this very nice song, along with the second video that the group has made in order to get the point across a bit better with their song than the first video that they recorded did.

Whatever video that happens to go along with this very nice tune by The Fray, I'm sure that you will enjoy the song. Just so happens that a whole lot of people like this group now, even people that tend to be a bit older and in another generation. Good music always does have a way of crossing generational gaps. Hope you enjoy the music and video.


Saturday, 20 June 2009

Need to Know How to Win Student Elections?

Do you need to know how to win student elections? There's some very helpful advice on how to run a campaign to get elected to office at your school, whether it's high school, college, or any other type of educational institution. There are certain things that are pretty standard in practically every type of election or campaign.

Some of those standards are listed below from the website located at Ehow:

* First is name recognition. You can assure that your name will be recognized if you go to the trouble of putting posters up in places where people will see them. Remember, also, that schools usually have rules for just where your posters can be posted. So find out what the school rules are.
* Another suggestion that one of the bloggers at Ehow has for student candidates is to act very confident in yourself, as if you have already won, but not to go to the extent of being "cocky."
* Since some student elections are really popularity contests, get the support of those students that people are less likely to hang with, those students who are really not in the popularity scene; they may be your best promoters. Form friendships with as many different groups of people as you possibly can; show a genuine sense of caring towards those who may not command all the attention that a student that hangs in a popular group might command.
* Be yourself; be friendly; be kind to your opponent.

If you really need to know how to win student elections there are many more tips available that can supply you with a mountain of campaign information.


Thursday, 18 June 2009

How to Write Name in Hebrew

If you've always been interested in knowing how to write your name in Hebrew, you are probably in the majority of people around. Many of us are interested in the language and hold the Hebrew faith close to our hearts because of its relation to the Bible. Some religions make it a practice within the United States to ensure that their flocks all know what their individual Hebrew names are. So, if you try this website, you can learn not only your own Hebrew name, but the Hebrew names of others that you might want to produce a search for.

What a nice gesture it would be to find out for your family what their Hebrew names really are. They might enjoy knowing this and thank you for the favor of going to so much trouble for finding it for them.

The website called My Hebrew Name, has a section called "Welcome to My Hebrew Name," in which you can find out very interesting facts from this webpage. One thing that interested me is the fact that your Hebrew name may be entirely different than your given name, so don't be surprised if you find this to be the case when you check the page out and do your own name search.

Of course, this is not the only site around the Internet that has this feature, but it does make it easy for you to find out what your name is in Hebrew, which is what counts the most. For other information on how to write your name in Hebrew, there are several books available at places such as Google Book search that teach people how to write a name in Hebrew. If you want further details on the Hebrew language than just how to write names, you might be interested in finding a good book on Hebrew there.


Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Professional Tips About Teaching Children How to Write a Narrative Story

When searching around for professional tips about teaching children how to write a narrative story, why not get the best advice that you can on such an important educational method? You will get the best expert advice from this online website created by Julie A. Sinn, PhD Candidate in Children's & Young People's Literature, from the English Department of the University of Florida.

In this article titled "Literacy Narrative," written by Ms. Sinn, she gives explicit instructions on teaching children how to write a narrative story by outlining the format used, double-spaced with one-inch margins, the length of the narrative, 4 to 6 pages, and the readings that the children are assigned to read.

Ms. Sinn describes a narrative as "a story about your personal engagement with reading and/or writing," telling the children to pick an event from their past, either positive or negative, and to "connect that event to their current feelings about and/or abilities in reading and/or writing." The students then are told to pick the experience that they want to write about from the two choices, either reading or writing, and they are urged to be honest, because Ms. Sinn wants them to tell their story honestly. If they have a bad experience with both reading and writing, then she wants them to tell the truth; she wants to know about it.

For more professional tips about teaching children how to write a narrative story, go to the URL located here:


Sunday, 14 June 2009

Top 100 Boys Names

If you're an expecting couple and just found out that you're going to have a baby boy, you're most likely scrambling to find a great name for your little guy. Here is a list of the top 100 boys names to give you some ideas… they're listed in order of popularity, from most popular to least:

Jacob, Michael, Joshua, Matthew, Andrew, Christopher, Joseph, Daniel, Nicholas, Ethan, William, Anthony, Ryan, David, Tyler, John, Alexander, James, Brandon, Zachary, Jonathan, Dylan, Christian, Samuel, Justin, Benjamin, Nathan, Austin, Noah, Logan, Jose, Kevin, Robert, Gabriel, Thomas, Caleb, Jordan, Hunter, Cameron, Elijah, Jason, Kyle, Jack, Connor, Aaron, Isaiah, Luke, Evan, Angel, Isaac, Mason, Jackson, Eric, Brian, Juan, Adam, Charles, Luis, Aidan, Gavin, Sean, Alex, Nathaniel, Carlos, Bryan, Ian, Jesus, Steven, Adrian, Timothy, Lucas, Cole, Cody, Seth, Devin, Richard, Julian, Chase, Patrick, Blake, Owen, Sebastian, Jayden, Jared, Antonio, Jeremiah, Trevor, Miguel, Diego, Xavier, Aiden, Jesse, Dominic, Alejandro, Hayden, Garrett, Jaden, Mark, Jake, Victor

In my opinion, there is nothing more difficult than naming a child. It's important that you choose something that both the mother and father like, as well as something that will hopefully be appreciated by your little boy as well. Good luck!


Friday, 12 June 2009

Can’t Have Children? Consider Adoption.

Having children is an incredibly rewarding experience, however there are many couples who cannot have children. If you find yourself in this situation, consider adoption as an alternative.

Adoption not only allows you to have a family even when mother nature makes things difficult, it also provides a loving home for children who need families.

The cost to adopt a child varies depending on the country you're living in. In the United States, adoptions made through the welfare system typically don't cost anything and the adopting couple also receives a $10,000 tax credit. International adoptions tend to be more expensive.

If you're seriously considering adopting a child, here are some excellent online resources to get you started:


Baby Imprint Tips

Many parents have a baby imprint done when their child is born and if you ask me, it’s a wonderful idea. Having an imprint done of your baby’s footprint or handprint is a cute way to cherish the memory of your newborn and it’s something you’ll be able to enjoy for the rest of your life.

Making a baby imprint isn’t expensive or difficult to do. Baby imprint kits are readily available. They contain a casting container, plaster of Paris, and instructions on the best techniques for making great molds of your child’s hands and feet. It’s also a good idea to use baby oil on your child’s hands and feet so that the plaster doesn’t stick.

Most baby imprint kits cost between $10-$15 and you can buy them at most large chain toy stores.


Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Unusual Baby Boy Names

I've got some close family friends who are expecting their first child in April and they've been looking around for some unusual baby boy names. Unless you're naming your newborn in honor of someone else, I think it's important to spend some time picking out a unique name that isn't used often.

My name is fairly unique and I love that, it gives me a sense of identity and it's nice to be different!

Since I've been helping my friends in their search, I thought I would post some of the most unusual baby boy names that we've come across:

* Jaymz
* Adhym
* Sanntannea
* Wynde
* Galton


Monday, 8 June 2009

101 Reasons Why I Love You

A very large number of romantic ideas that have been added to this site involve writing down reasons why you love your partner. This, when it comes to a large number of ideas, can be extremely time consuming and sometimes difficult to be creative with. Use this list to help spark your loving imagination and create an "ultimate" romantic gift for your love! Please note: Not all of the items on this list will apply to your relationship. When you see one that doesn't, just substitute it with your own reason.
1. I love the way we finish each other's sentences.

2. I love the way I know you'll never give up on me.
3. I love the fact that I wouldn't ever give up on you.
4. I love the way you look at me.
5. I love how beautiful your eyes are.
6. I love the way I can't imagine a day without you in my life.
7. I love the way if we were ever separated I wouldn't know how to go on.
8. I love the way we cuddle and watch sunsets together.
9. I love the way we sometimes stay up all night and just talk, then watch the sunrise together.
10. I love how I know you'll always be there when I need you to be.
11. I love the fact that I will always be there for you too.
12. I love how when I dream of my life partner, the only person that I can see is you.
13. I love how complete I feel when I am with you.
14. I love how our bodies just fit together.
15. I love the way you make me laugh.
16. I love the way you laugh.
17. I love the way you won't compromise yourself when we are together.
18. I love the way you won't let me compromise myself.
19. I love your thoughtfulness.
20. I love your tenderness.
21. I love your ability to speak without saying a single word.
22. I love the way we glance at each other across the room and know what each other is thinking.
23. I love the way, how even though we may be miles apart I still feel like you're right here with me.
24. I love the way you surprise me with the perfect gifts that show you pay attention to me.
25. I love the way you'll watch a sporting game with me even though you may not be interested in it.
26. I love the way you treat my friends.
27. I love your love for the things that interest me.
28. I love the way you let me live my life freely without jealousy.
29. I love how you demand respect but are not controlling.
30. I love how I would do anything in this world to make you happy.
31. I love how you would do anything in this world to make me happy.
32. I love the way your voice sounds over the phone.
33. I love the way your voice sounds when you whisper sweet nothings in my ear.
34. I love the completeness and oneness I feel when we make love.
35. I love your sensuality.
36. I love how our romance feels like the perfect romance movie.
37. I love how you are my soul mate.
38. I love the way you handle troubled times.
39. I love the way you respect me.
40. I love the way you protect and defend me.
41. I love how you feel when we cuddle.
42. I love the softness of your lips against mine.
43. I love the softness of you lips against my body.
44. I love the feeling of your hair brushing against me when we make love.
45. I love laying in bed at night talking about nothing.
46. I love waking up to find we've been cuddling together all night.
47. I love the surprises you leave for me.
48. I love your intelligence.
49. I love your ingenuity.
50. I love your ability to make friends where ever we go.
51. I love your love for life.
52. I love your passion for your hobbies and interests.
53. I love how every time I look at you, you take my breath away.
54. I love how I thank God everyday for bringing someone as wonderful as you into my life.
55. I love the fact you gave me the gift of our children.
56. I love the special moments that we shared that will remain my fondest memories of you and I.
57. I love spending the holidays with the one person I love the most.
58. I love how my heart skips a beat whenever you walk into the room.
59. I love how you love me.
60. I love how I love you.
61. I love the ways you choose to show your affection for me.
62. I love the way you inspire me to be more than I am.
63. I love the way you spark my creativity and imagination.
64. I love the way you make me feel like anything is possible as long as I'm with you.
65. I love your sense of humor.
66. I love the way you make me feel like royalty.
67. I love the way you dress.
68. I love your understated elegance.
69. I love you just the way you are.
70. I love your spontaneity.
71. I love our life together.
72. I love how if I died right now I would be the happiest person alive knowing I found my one true love.
73. I love the fact that we will grow old together.
74. I love your way with words.
75. I love the way you look when your sleeping.
76. I love the way you think you look awful when you first wake up when it is actually then I find you the most beautiful.
77. I love your willingness to share everything and most especially your heart with me.
78. I love your strength of character.
79. I love taking showers together.
80. I love the way you leave me love notes to find whenever you're gone.
81. I love the way you treat me.
82. I love the way you take care of us.
83. I love your cooking.
84. I love the way you take the time to thank me for doing every day things.
85. I love the way you show your affection when we are around friends and/or family.
86. I love the way you are not scared to show your affection when we are in public.
87. I love your confidence.
88. I love your ability to make me feel better when times are tough.
89. I love the way we make up after a fight.
90. I love how you treat our children.
91. I love the way you support me when I'm off track.
92. I love the way you take the time to show me how much you love me.
93. I love your beautiful hair.
94. I love your body.
95. I love your openness to try new things.
96. I love your ability to talk things through.
97. I love your courage to be you.
98. I love your greatness.
99. I love the fact that you want to be with me and only me.
100. I love how I am and feel when I am with you!
101. I love you for you!


Looking for a Baby Boy Name List?

Are you looking for a baby boy name list? There are many resources online to find names for your new baby boy, and they are broken down by the most common names for babies into category by countries, plus the most popular 2006 names for your baby boy.

One resource online that gives a detailed list of names for a baby boy categorized by country is at BabyHold, online at, where you can find baby name books, baby boy names by list, and, of course, baby girl names, as well. This online resource breaks the names down by country category, and there are 19 different countries from which to pick. So if you are an American, you can go through the names for American children, but don't feel obligated to stick just to categories of names assigned to your country; you can be creative and name a baby boy with a name from Celtic origin, if you want. In fact, one Celtic name for a baby boy is Al. Have you ever met an Al in the United States? I'll bet you have.

Another online resource for a baby boy name list is Baby Names World, at, where you can browse by alphabet, find the top 100 names, and sort by country, as well. Not only are these online resources for finding a baby boy name list interesting, but they are quite fun, also, particularly if you're fixing to be a proud parent of a baby boy.

Friday, 5 June 2009

How to Make a Girl Fall in Love With You

If you're looking for tips on how to make a girl fall in love with you, this article should give you some excellent ideas. Sometimes it takes a little extra time and effort for relationships to progress to a more serious level, but there are things that can be done to speed this process up.

Women love romance. Doing thoughtful things such as sending an unexpected card, flowers, chocolates, etc. can make a woman feel special and lets her know that she means something to you. Listed below are some of my best romantic ideas to help you win that special someone over.

Here's how to make a girl fall in love with you…

* Romantic text messages
* Draw her a hot bubble bath
* Write her a love letter
* Take her to a drive in movie
* Make a photo album of your pictures together
* Surprise her with a weekend getaway


Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Learn How to French Kiss

Have you always thought that you had the technique of French kissing down? Some people, believe it or not, have never even tried the French kiss. The French kiss is not a new way of kissing, but it might be said that the later generations are more suited to the style of French kissing than any other style of kissing

First of all, most people, when they very first learn how to kiss or experience kissing, usually kiss affectionately by a closed-mouth type of kissing such as on the forehead, on the cheek, as well as on the neck.

After graduating from the closed-mouth technique of affectionate kissing between family members and some friends, then it's time for the romantic way of kissing, of which French kissing has all but taken over the modern-day style of kissing between romantic partners. If you think that there are not ways for people to be instructed on the proper way of French kissing, then you're in for a surprise. There's one website called How to Kiss, located at online, and this website is very informative on the different styles of kissing and gives detailed instructions on how to become an expert at French kissing.

The next time you need to add a bit of spice to your love life, try out the site at for pointers from the kissing professionals.

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

5 Ideas for a Unique Wedding Guest Book

If you are planning for a wedding in the near future one that that is often forgotten but is very important is the wedding guest book. This is vitally important to the wedding because it is one of the most important treasured memories that you will keep tucked away for a long time to come. It is a record of all the guests that have attended the wedding and there is no better way to remember a wonderful wedding then going through the wedding guest book and reading all the thoughtful comments that were left by guests.

Since this will become such a treasured memory you will want to pick a unique wedding guest book that you will enjoy pulling out. You will find some of the most popular but also most unique ideas for a wedding guest book in the article below.
Themed Wedding Guest book -
Often the first choice for most people is to tie the theme of the wedding in with the guest book. Since this is the first things that guests to the wedding will see it can be your first chance to plant the theme of the wedding in your guests minds. So this is not very shocking but if you have a fairy tale theme wedding with knights in shinning armor and a beautiful white horse etc. Then you will want to pick a wedding guest book that follows along with this magical fair tale theme.
Wedding Guest Book Platter -
For a very unique guest book you can use a specially made ceramic platter or plate. These are very fun alternatives that are very easy to display after the wedding in your home. There are many companies online that make these they are easy to find. However, they make for a unique wedding guest book that your guests are sure to remember.
Photo Wedding Guest Book -
These unique wedding guest books used to be done with Polaroid photos. In fact they still can be, however with digital cameras and small portable digital camera printers this can easily be modernized and updated. This is a very easy yet unique guest book that can create many fun memories of the wedding in a very visual way. Simply take a picture of the Bride and Groom with a digital camera. Print the photo and glue insert it into either a photo album or a regular guest book. They should then put a little message in the guest book to their guests. Something like "Thanks for coming to our wedding, it is a big special day for us and we hope you will enjoy it also." Then leave this out with a Polaroid or digital camera and enough film to ensure that everyone get a few chances to take pictures. As guests come in they can take their picture and place it into the guest book with a little message.
Puzzle Guest Book-
Yet another fun and very unique guest book idea. You can do this by taking a favorite picture of the couple before the big day and turning this into a large puzzle. There are many places online that can easily turn a photo into a large puzzle. Then assemble the puzzle
Monogrammed Wedding Guest Book-
This can add a touch of class to your wedding guest book. Have a custom made wedding guest book that has the monogram of the Bride and Groom.
These are just a few of the many ideas that you can use to make a creative and unique wedding guest book. The ideas are really endless and you can go for something simple to something unique and unusual. It is all up to you and you wedding theme.
