Try these four great ideas and you'll be surprised at how quickly you could be knocking on the door of Mr. Right Now, if not Mr. Right altogether.
1) Church and religious organizations offer singles groups and misers on a fairly regular basis. If your faith is important to you this is a great way to meet someone who shares your faith and know that you have at least one thing in common. There's also some degree of safety in meeting potential dates in a group setting and a public place. You are able to get to know one another in a safe environment before venturing out on a date with just the two of you.
2) Community groups for singles. Believe it or not community groups are great to meet a broad cross section of the population. You'll meet all kinds of men from different walks of life and many of them will be prime relationship material (assuming of course that you're ready to move on and build a new relationship with someone).
3) Business and professional dating services. Believe it or not, if you are looking to date only professionals in businesses or careers that are similar to yours most larger cities have dating services, groups, and/or organizations that are designed specifically to help you meet eligible candidates. Just keep in mind that these are men who are also seeking like minded women. There's nothing like common ground, careers, or interests to give you something to build on when looking for that perfect someone to start dating.
4) Internet dating sites. This is another great method of "vetting" potential dates. Online dating sites provide some degree of anonymity so that you don't have to worry about someone showing up at your front door in the middle of the night. It also gives you a little time to get to know someone a little bit before agreeing to meet. As society becomes more and more insulated from meeting new people, this is becoming a much more popular medium for meeting new men and potential matches.