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Saturday 20 June 2009

Need to Know How to Win Student Elections?

Do you need to know how to win student elections? There's some very helpful advice on how to run a campaign to get elected to office at your school, whether it's high school, college, or any other type of educational institution. There are certain things that are pretty standard in practically every type of election or campaign.

Some of those standards are listed below from the website located at Ehow:

* First is name recognition. You can assure that your name will be recognized if you go to the trouble of putting posters up in places where people will see them. Remember, also, that schools usually have rules for just where your posters can be posted. So find out what the school rules are.
* Another suggestion that one of the bloggers at Ehow has for student candidates is to act very confident in yourself, as if you have already won, but not to go to the extent of being "cocky."
* Since some student elections are really popularity contests, get the support of those students that people are less likely to hang with, those students who are really not in the popularity scene; they may be your best promoters. Form friendships with as many different groups of people as you possibly can; show a genuine sense of caring towards those who may not command all the attention that a student that hangs in a popular group might command.
* Be yourself; be friendly; be kind to your opponent.

If you really need to know how to win student elections there are many more tips available that can supply you with a mountain of campaign information.


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