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Thursday, 22 April 2010

Dog Whisper Is Ineffective; The Dog Squeal Gets Results

So squeal away. Use that baby talk that you haven't used this much on your own children. Praise until you are tired; praise until you feel silly. Not only are you teaching your dog life-long lessons but the process is guaranteed to put a smile on your face too.

As you are squealing away, now would be a great time to coin a phrase that your dog will know means "repeat this good behavior." When we were training our Golden Retriever, we praised her with "good girl!" and to this day, 5 years later, we say "Go do good girl" when we want her to do her business.

Coin a Phrase While You are at It

Many (dare I say most) dogs' purpose in life is to please you. He feels comfortable when he can do so. By making a big deal over your dog's good behavior, he feels safe and happy and quickly learns this is the way to "your" heart. If you casually praise your dog (i.e. the dog whisper) the effect is significantly diluted.

Why Dog Training with Verbal Praise Works

Let us use the example of house training. It is quite simple. When your dog goes to the bathroom outside, squeal as you never squealed before. Say "good dog!" (or your own choice of words) over and over...and over. Praise to the point where you feel tired doing so (or the neighbors start looking out their windows at you). Follow up with a big hug and maybe a little play time.

Pass on the Dog Whisper

The Dog Whisperer himself will tell you that praise is the way to your dog's heart (and to your dog's good behavior). There are many ways to praise your dog when he does the right thing. Many will use food treats which there is no denying; dogs love. However, verbal praise in the form of a good ole squeal is just as effective, if not more so. And it is fun.

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