If you want to know how to do a persuasive speech on domestic violence, you will need to find out, first of all, how to present a persuasive speech, which is deciding, from the beginning, that to persuade is the general purpose of your speech. Next, there are some general guidelines below to advance your knowledge of giving a persuasive speech, no matter what the topic of your speech is to persuade
but, in this case, you can be assured that the topic will be domestic violence.
1. Persuasive speeches increase listeners' knowledge of a topic.
2. They enlighten or extend an audience's awareness of a subject, which, in this case, is domestic violence.
3. The general purpose of a persuasive speech is to effect some degree of change in the audience, one that convinces listeners to accept the alternative offered by the speaker. You can direct the change that you want to be made by the audience at attitudes, beliefs, or basic values. The purpose may be to change specific behaviors or reinforce specific behaviors.
4. Next, find out what it is that you want to change about attitudes, beliefs, opinions, or behavior regarding domestic violence. Then set out to form your outline and cite your sources for the speech. Persuasive speeches are usually given with a basic outline of those changes that you would like to bring about, a citation page of where you found such information to support your position, and note cards that have the outline written upon them so that you can give the speech and glance at the note cards.
In a nutshell, you now have the basis for a good persuasive speech to write an informative outline, after you have done sufficient research upon the topic of domestic violence, and then conclude your speech by reiterating your specific points of change to bring it to an acceptable conclusion and persuade your audience to make the changes or reinforce their present behavior, whichever may be the case.
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